Add solution to day 11 part 2

This commit is contained in:
Nick Krichevsky 2019-12-11 00:58:22 -05:00
parent 6b5e73d89b
commit 95716a3462

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import collections
import sys
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, DefaultDict
# Halt indicates that the assembled program should terminate
class Halt(Exception):
@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ class Operation:
def output(self, memory: Memory, value: int) -> None:
self.output = value
print("OUTPUT:", value)
def jump_if_true(self, memory: Memory, test_value: int, new_instruction_pointer: int) -> Optional[int]:
return new_instruction_pointer if test_value != 0 else None
@ -153,13 +152,13 @@ class Operation:
self.rel_base += rel_base
# Executes the program, returning the instruction pointer to continue at (if the program paused) and a list of all
# outputs that occurred during the program's execution
def execute_program(memory: Memory, program_inputs: List[int], initial_instruction_pointer: int = 0) -> (Optional[int], List[int]):
# Executes the program, returning the instruction pointer to continue at (if the program paused), the relative base,
# and a list of all outputs that occurred during the program's execution
def execute_program(memory: Memory, program_inputs: List[int], initial_instruction_pointer: int = 0, initial_rel_base: int = 0) -> (Optional[int], int, List[int]):
i = initial_instruction_pointer
input_cursor = 0
rel_base = 0
outputs = []
rel_base = initial_rel_base
# Go up to the maximum address, not the number of addresses
while i < max(memory.keys()):
operation = Operation(memory[i])
@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ def execute_program(memory: Memory, program_inputs: List[int], initial_instructi
if operation.opcode == Operation.OPCODE_INPUT:
# If we are out of input, don't fail out, but rather just pause execution
if input_cursor >= len(program_inputs):
return i, outputs
return i, rel_base, outputs
program_input = program_inputs[input_cursor]
input_cursor += 1
@ -181,47 +180,68 @@ def execute_program(memory: Memory, program_inputs: List[int], initial_instructi
# The program is finished, and we are saying there is no instruction pointer
return None, outputs
return None, rel_base, outputs
'UP': (0, 1),
'RIGHT': (-1, 0),
'DOWN': (0, -1),
'LEFT': (1, 0)
# Trace all of the painted points that the robot makes
def trace_paints(initial_memory_state: Memory, initial_color: int = 0) -> DefaultDict[Tuple[int, int], int]:
'UP': (0, 1),
'RIGHT': (-1, 0),
'DOWN': (0, -1),
'LEFT': (1, 0)
def part1(inputs: Memory) -> int:
colors = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
colors[(0, 0)] = initial_color
# Represents an index in ROBOT_DIRECTIONS
robot_direction = 0
robot_row, robot_col = (0, 0)
memory = inputs
memory = initial_memory_state.copy()
last_ip = 0
while True:
d_row, d_col = ROBOT_DELTAS[ROBOT_DIRECTIONS[robot_direction]]
robot_row, robot_col = robot_row + d_row, robot_col + d_col
rel_base = 0
while last_ip is not None:
current_color = colors[(robot_row, robot_col)]
last_ip, outputs = execute_program(memory, [current_color], last_ip)
if last_ip is None:
last_ip, rel_base, outputs = execute_program(memory, [current_color], last_ip, rel_base)
paint_color, rotation_direction = outputs
colors[(robot_row, robot_col)] = paint_color
# Rotate left/right respectively
if rotation_direction == 0:
robot_direction -= 1
robot_direction += 1
# Set the new direction to the corresponding one in the ROBOT_DIRECTIONS list
robot_direction %= len(ROBOT_DIRECTIONS)
d_row, d_col = ROBOT_DELTAS[ROBOT_DIRECTIONS[robot_direction]]
robot_row, robot_col = robot_row + d_row, robot_col + d_col
return colors
def part1(inputs: Memory) -> int:
colors = trace_paints(inputs, 0)
return len(colors)
def part2(inputs: Memory) -> None:
colors = trace_paints(inputs, 1)
max_x = max(coord[0] for coord in colors)
max_y = max(coord[1] for coord in colors)
min_x = min(coord[0] for coord in colors)
min_y = min(coord[1] for coord in colors)
for j in reversed(range(min_y, max_y+1)):
for i in reversed(range(min_x, max_x+1)):
print('#' if colors[(i, j)] == 1 else ' ', end='')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: ./ in_file")
@ -233,3 +253,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
memory[i] = int(item)