Add solution to day 17 part 2
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1 @@
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import collections
import enum
import itertools
import re
import sys
import networkx
from typing import List, Iterable, Tuple, Optional, Set
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional
# Halt indicates that the assembled program should terminate
@ -189,9 +191,76 @@ def execute_program(memory: Memory, program_inputs: List[int], initial_instructi
# Problem specific code starts here
SCAFFOLD_CHAR = ord('#')
ROBOT_CHAR = ord('^')
def build_graph_from_program(program_memory: Memory) -> networkx.Graph:
class TurnDirection(enum.Enum):
LEFT = 'L'
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class Direction(enum.IntEnum):
EAST = 2
WEST = 4
# Given the direction we currently are, get the direction we need to turn to face this coordinate.
# Returns None if these are the same coordinate.
def get_direction_to_coordinate(current_pos: Tuple[int, int], next_pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> Optional['Direction']:
current_row, current_col = current_pos
next_row, next_col = next_pos
direction_required = None
if next_col == current_col and next_row < current_row:
direction_required = Direction.NORTH
elif next_col == current_col and next_row > current_row:
direction_required = Direction.SOUTH
elif next_row == current_row and next_col < current_col:
direction_required = Direction.WEST
elif next_row == current_row and next_col > current_col:
direction_required = Direction.EAST
return direction_required
# Gets the direction we need to turn for fix.
# Returns None if we are currently facing the right direction
def get_turn_to_direction(self, new_direction: 'Direction') -> Optional[Tuple['TurnDirection', ...]]:
turn_distance = (self - new_direction) % 4
# if turn_distance == 2:
# breakpoint()
if turn_distance == 0:
return None
elif turn_distance == 3:
return (TurnDirection.RIGHT,)
return (TurnDirection.LEFT,) * turn_distance
def move_coords_in_direction(self, pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
D_ROWS = {
Direction.NORTH: -1,
Direction.SOUTH: 1,
Direction.EAST: 0,
Direction.WEST: 0
D_COLS = {
Direction.NORTH: 0,
Direction.SOUTH: 0,
Direction.EAST: 1,
Direction.WEST: -1
return (pos[0] + D_ROWS[self], pos[1] + D_COLS[self])
# Return a graph of all of the scaffolding, with a tuple represeting the robot's starting position
def build_graph_from_program(initial_memory_state: Memory) -> (networkx.Graph, Tuple[int, int]):
program_memory = initial_memory_state.copy()
# Add all edges that are directly above/below or directly left/right of our cursor
def add_adjacent_edges(scaffold_graph: networkx.Graph, row_cursor: int, col_cursor: int):
scaffold_graph.add_node((row_cursor, col_cursor))
@ -207,6 +276,7 @@ def build_graph_from_program(program_memory: Memory) -> networkx.Graph:
scaffold_graph = networkx.Graph()
row_cursor = 0
col_cursor = 0
robot_pos = None
for item in outputs:
if item == ord('\n'):
row_cursor += 1
@ -214,18 +284,206 @@ def build_graph_from_program(program_memory: Memory) -> networkx.Graph:
elif item == SCAFFOLD_CHAR:
add_adjacent_edges(scaffold_graph, row_cursor, col_cursor)
elif item == ROBOT_CHAR:
add_adjacent_edges(scaffold_graph, row_cursor, col_cursor)
robot_pos = (row_cursor, col_cursor)
col_cursor += 1
return scaffold_graph
return scaffold_graph, robot_pos
def part1(initial_program_memory: Memory) -> int:
scaffold_graph = build_graph_from_program(initial_program_memory)
def make_greedy_path(scaffold_graph: networkx.Graph, start_pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> str:
path_components = []
forward_count = 0
robot_direction = Direction.NORTH
visited = set()
node_cursor = start_pos
while visited != set(scaffold_graph.nodes):
next_pos = robot_direction.move_coords_in_direction(node_cursor)
if next_pos not in scaffold_graph:
possible_points = set(scaffold_graph.neighbors(node_cursor)) - set(visited)
next_pos = sorted(possible_points, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))[0]
new_direction = Direction.get_direction_to_coordinate(node_cursor, next_pos)
turns_needed = robot_direction.get_turn_to_direction(new_direction)
robot_direction = new_direction
if forward_count > 0:
path_components += [str(turn) for turn in turns_needed]
forward_count = 0
node_cursor = next_pos
forward_count += 1
if forward_count > 0:
return ','.join(path_components)
# Find a component of the string that occurs more than once, starting at the given position and checking forwards/backwards
# based on the given offset
def find_component(path: str, start: int, offset: int) -> str:
component = path[start:offset] if offset > 0 else path[start + offset:]
if (offset > 0 and component[-1] != ',') or (offset < 0 and component[0] != ','):
return None
elif path.count(component) == 1:
return None
return component.strip(',')
# Get all substrings of s without the given component
def get_substrings_without_str(s: str, component: str) -> str:
locations = [(match.start(), match.end()) for match in re.finditer(re.escape(component), s)]
locations.insert(0, (None, None))
locations.append((None, None))
substrings = [s[location1[1]:location2[0]].strip(',') for location1, location2 in zip(locations, locations[1:])]
return [substring for substring in substrings if len(substring) > 0]
# If a path string is a duplicate itself, strip it down to its base component
def dedup_path_string(s: str) -> str:
normalized_s = s
# Need to join the two components with a comma so that we actually can spot the repetition (the string may not have a trailing comma)
if s[-1] != ',':
normalized_s = s + ','
# Find if the string is only composed of a portion of itself
repeat_index = (normalized_s + normalized_s).find(normalized_s, 1, -1)
if repeat_index == -1:
return s
return s[:repeat_index].rstrip(',')
# Given the two other components, see if there's one final component left in the string
def get_last_component(path: str, component1: str, component2: str) -> Optional[str]:
path_without_component1 = get_substrings_without_str(path, component1)
# Get the path without component 1 or component 2
remaining_comonents = []
for substring in path_without_component1:
remaining_comonents += get_substrings_without_str(substring, component2)
# Make sure the last component we have is unique
if len(set(remaining_comonents)) > 1:
return None
last_component = dedup_path_string(remaining_comonents[0])
if len(last_component) > 20:
return None
return last_component
# Find the three compressible components of the path
# This is NOT pretty. This could be generalized by searching for all substrings, but that would be longer
def find_compressable_path_components(path: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
for i in range(MAX_LENGTH + 1):
path_candidate = path
# Find the first component at the start of the string
component1 = find_component(path_candidate, 0, i)
if component1 is None:
# Remove it from both ends
path_candidate = path_candidate[len(component1):].lstrip(',')
if path_candidate.endswith(component1):
path_candidate = path_candidate[:-len(component1)].rstrip(',')
for j in range(MAX_LENGTH + 1):
trimmed_candidate = path_candidate
# We know there must be another unique component at the end of the string
component2 = find_component(trimmed_candidate, len(trimmed_candidate) - 1, -j)
if component2 is None:
# Remove it from both ends
trimmed_candidate = trimmed_candidate[:-len(component2)].rstrip(',')
if trimmed_candidate.startswith(component2):
trimmed_candidate = trimmed_candidate[len(component2):].lstrip(',')
component3 = get_last_component(trimmed_candidate, component1, component2)
if component3 is None:
return component1, component2, component3
raise Exception("path is not compressible into three functions")
# Convert a path into a list of functions based on the given function defintiions
def make_function_nav_string(path: str, functions: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
i = 0
function_nav_string = []
while i < len(path):
for function_name, function in sorted(functions.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True):
if path[i:i+len(function)] == function:
# +1 for the comma
i += len(function) + 1
raise ValueError('Functions not in path')
return ','.join(function_nav_string)
def part1(scaffold_graph: networkx.Graph) -> int:
return sum(row * col for row, col in scaffold_graph.nodes if, col)) > 2)
def part2(initial_memory_state: Memory, scaffold_graph: networkx.Graph, robot_pos: Tuple[int, int]):
def make_ascii_input(s: str) -> str:
return [ord(char) for char in s]
nav_string = make_greedy_path(scaffold_graph, robot_pos)
functions = find_compressable_path_components(nav_string)
named_functions = {name: function for name, function in zip(['A', 'B', 'C'], functions)}
function_nav_string = make_function_nav_string(nav_string, named_functions)
# Start the sequence of the interacitve mode
program_memory = initial_memory_state.copy()
program_memory[0] = 2
_, _, outputs = execute_program(program_memory, [
*make_ascii_input(function_nav_string + '\n'),
*make_ascii_input(named_functions['A'] + '\n'),
*make_ascii_input(named_functions['B'] + '\n'),
*make_ascii_input(named_functions['C'] + '\n'),
return outputs[-1]
# A debug method to print the entire graph
def print_scaffold_graph(scaffold_graph: networkx.Graph) -> None:
print(' ', end='')
max_row = max(node[0] for node in scaffold_graph.nodes) + 1
max_col = max(node[1] for node in scaffold_graph.nodes) + 1
for i in range(max_col):
print(i // 10 if i // 10 > 0 else ' ', end='')
print(' ', end='')
for i in range(max_col):
print(i % 10, end='')
for i in range(max_row):
print(f'{i:2} ', end='')
for j in range(max_col):
if (i, j) in scaffold_graph.nodes:
print('#', end='')
print('.', end='')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
# Today's part 2 produces a lot of output, so i wanted to keep them separate
@ -237,4 +495,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
for i, item in enumerate(",")):
memory[i] = int(item)
scaffold_graph, robot_pos = build_graph_from_program(memory)
print(part2(memory, scaffold_graph, robot_pos))
Reference in a new issue