Add solution to day 18 part 1
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import networkx
import sys
import enum
import string
import itertools
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Iterable, Set, List, Tuple, Optional, FrozenSet
class NodeType(enum.Enum):
WALL = 0
OPEN = 1
KEY = 3
DOOR = 4
def make_from_input_char(char: str):
'#': NodeType.WALL,
'.': NodeType.OPEN,
'@': NodeType.PLAYER,
node_type = CHAR_MAP.get(char)
if node_type is None:
if char in string.ascii_lowercase:
node_type = NodeType.KEY
elif char in string.ascii_uppercase:
node_type = NodeType.DOOR
raise ValueError(f"Invalid NodeType char '{char}'' ")
return node_type
class Node:
node_type: NodeType
char: str
class PathCache(dict):
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
class Key:
collected_keys: FrozenSet[str]
src: Tuple[int, int]
def make_from_iterable(cls, collected_keys: Iterable[str], src: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
return cls(frozenset(collected_keys), src)
class Entry:
cost: int
path: List[Tuple[int, int]]
# Make a graph from the maze input
def make_graph_from_input(input_lines: List[str]) -> networkx.Graph:
def connect_adjacent_nodes(node_pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
for d_row, d_col in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]:
row, col = node_pos
row += d_row
col += d_col
if (row, col) in graph.nodes:
graph.add_edge(node_pos, (row, col))
graph = networkx.Graph()
for row, line in enumerate(input_lines):
for col, char in enumerate(line):
node_type = NodeType.make_from_input_char(char)
if node_type == NodeType.WALL:
node = Node(node_type, char)
graph.add_node((row, col), info=node)
for node in graph.nodes:
return graph
def make_reduced_graph(graph: networkx.Graph) -> networkx.Graph:
interactive_nodes = {node: data for node, data in'info') if data.node_type != NodeType.OPEN}
reduced_graph = networkx.Graph()
for node1, node2 in itertools.combinations(interactive_nodes.items(), 2):
pos1, info1 = node1
pos2, info2 = node2
reduced_graph.add_node(pos1, info=info1)
reduced_graph.add_node(pos2, info=info2)
path = networkx.shortest_path(graph, pos1, pos2)
# Check if any nodes are interactive and within the path.
# We don't want to make an edge between node1 and node2 if there are.
intermediate_interactive_nodes = set(path[1:-1]).intersection(set(interactive_nodes.keys()))
if len(intermediate_interactive_nodes) > 0:
reduced_graph.add_edge(pos1, pos2, distance=len(path)-1)
return reduced_graph
# Check if we can "clear" a whole path, which is determined by if all keys come before their doors
def path_is_clearable(graph: networkx.Graph, path: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]], collected_keys: Set[str]) -> bool:
all_collected_keys = collected_keys.copy()
for node in path:
node_info = graph.nodes[node]['info']
if node_info.node_type == NodeType.KEY:
elif node_info.node_type == NodeType.DOOR and node_info.char.lower() not in all_collected_keys:
return False
return True
def find_shortest_path_cost(
graph: networkx.Graph,
starting_node: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
visited: Optional[Set[str]] = None,
path_cache: PathCache = None,
depth: int = 0, prev_dest: str = None) -> Tuple[int, List[Tuple[int, int]]]:
if starting_node is None:
# Start at the player node if no starting node is spcified
starting_node = next(node for node, data in'info') if data.node_type == NodeType.PLAYER)
if visited is None:
visited = set((starting_node,))
if path_cache is None:
path_cache = PathCache()
# If we have already visited all nodes, we're done, and there's no more cost to it.
key_nodes = set(node for node in graph.nodes
if graph.nodes[node]['info'].char.lower() == graph.nodes[node]['info'].char
and graph.nodes[node]['info'].char.isalpha())
if visited == key_nodes:
return 0, []
shortest_paths = networkx.shortest_path(graph)
collected_keys = set(graph.nodes[node]['info'].char for node in visited
if graph.nodes[node]['info'].char.lower() == graph.nodes[node]['info'].char)
cache_key = PathCache.Key.make_from_iterable(collected_keys, starting_node)
cache_entry = path_cache[cache_key]
return (cache_entry.cost, cache_entry.path)
except KeyError:
# If we don't have a cache entry, keep going.
# We need to do this instead of .get because otherwise __missing__ won't be called.
could_check_path = False
best_path = None
best_cost = math.inf
for destination in key_nodes:
path = shortest_paths[starting_node][destination]
if destination in visited:
elif not path_is_clearable(graph, path, collected_keys):
could_check_path = True
visited_copy = visited.copy()
cost = sum(graph.edges[(node1, node2)]['distance'] for node1, node2 in zip(path, path[1:]))
path_cost, rest_of_path = find_shortest_path_cost(graph, destination, visited_copy, path_cache)
cost += path_cost
full_path = path + rest_of_path[1:]
if cost < best_cost:
best_path = full_path
best_cost = cost
# If the loop didn't run, none of the paths are elgible for use.
if not could_check_path:
path_cache[cache_key] = PathCache.Entry(0, [])
return 0, []
path_cache[cache_key] = PathCache.Entry(best_cost, best_path)
return (best_cost, best_path)
def part1(graph: networkx.Graph) -> int:
reduced_graph = make_reduced_graph(graph)
cost, _ = find_shortest_path_cost(reduced_graph)
return cost
# A debug function used to print the path as letters
def print_readable_path(graph: networkx.Graph, path: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None:
print([graph.nodes[node]['info'].char for node in path])
# A debug function used to visualize the drawn graph
def draw_graph(graph: networkx.Graph) -> None:
positions = networkx.spring_layout(graph)
networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, positions)
networkx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, positions)
networkx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, positions, {node: data.char for node, data in'info')})
networkx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, positions, {(node1, node2): data for node1, node2, data in'distance')})
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: ./ in_file")
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
input_lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f.readlines()]
graph = make_graph_from_input(input_lines)
Reference in New Issue