
145 lines
5.3 KiB

import sys
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
# Element is a node in a graph used to represent the dependencies amongst reactions (not the quantities themselves)
class Element:
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
self.possible_inputs = set()
self.possible_outputs = set()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'<Element: {}>'
class Reaction:
# We can have many inputs
inputs: Dict[Element, int]
# We only have one output
output: Tuple[Element, int]
def from_input_str(cls, s: str):
raw_inputs, raw_output = s.split(REACTION_DELIM)
split_output = raw_output.split(ELEMENT_DELIM)
output = (Element(split_output[1]), int(split_output[0]))
inputs = {}
for raw_input in raw_inputs.split(INPUT_DELIM):
split_input = raw_input.split(ELEMENT_DELIM)
inputs[Element(split_input[1])] = int(split_input[0])
return cls(inputs, output)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
inputs = ', '.join(f'{count} {}' for element, count in self.inputs.items())
return inputs + f' => {self.output[1]} {self.output[0].name}'
# Parses all of the output, returns a list of all of the reactions and the FUEL element
def parse_reaction_list(input_lines: str) -> Tuple[List[Reaction], Element]:
elements = {Element.ORE_ELEMENT: Element(Element.ORE_ELEMENT)}
reactions = [Reaction.from_input_str(line) for line in input_lines]
for reaction in reactions:
output_element = reaction.output[0]
elements[] = output_element
# Once we add all reactions, add neighbors for the elements
for reaction in reactions:
output_element = elements[reaction.output[0].name]
reaction_inputs = reaction.inputs.copy()
for reaction_input_element, quantity in reaction_inputs.items():
input_element = elements[]
# Noramlize the elemnts in the reaction list to all point to the same instance of that element.
del reaction.inputs[reaction_input_element]
reaction.inputs[input_element] = quantity
return reactions, elements[Element.FUEL_ELEMENT]
def find_ore_required_for_fuel_amount(fuel_amount: int, reactions: List[Reaction], fuel_element: Element):
surplus_elements = {}
# Counts how many times a reaction with index i is run
reaction_counts = {}
# Maps a reaction's output to its reaction
reaction_map = {reaction.output[0].name: (i, reaction) for i, reaction in enumerate(reactions)}
def generate_reaction_counts(element: Element, num_required: int):
if == Element.ORE_ELEMENT:
num_surplus = surplus_elements.get(, 0)
i, reaction = reaction_map[]
num_missing = num_required - num_surplus
# If we already have enough elements, we're done.
if num_missing <= 0:
# Store how many our new suplus is
surplus_elements[] = num_surplus - num_required
reactions_required = int(math.ceil(num_missing / reaction.output[1]))
surplus_elements[] = (num_surplus - num_required) + reactions_required * reaction.output[1]
reaction_count = reaction_counts.get(i, 0)
reaction_counts[i] = reaction_count + reactions_required
for input_element, count in reaction.inputs.items():
generate_reaction_counts(input_element, count * reactions_required)
# Run our recursive algorithm to calculate how many reactions are required
generate_reaction_counts(fuel_element, fuel_amount)
num_ore_required = 0
for i, count in reaction_counts.items():
for input_element, reaction_input_count in reactions[i].inputs.items():
if == Element.ORE_ELEMENT:
num_ore_required += count * reaction_input_count
return num_ore_required
def part1(reactions: List[Reaction], fuel_element: Element) -> int:
return find_ore_required_for_fuel_amount(1, reactions, fuel_element)
def part2(reactions: List[Reaction], fuel_element: Element) -> int:
THRESHOLD = 1000000000000
fuel_amount = 1
low = 0
# Binary search our answers, looking for the fuel amount that gives us the most ore.
while low <= high:
fuel_amount = (low + high) // 2
required_ore = find_ore_required_for_fuel_amount(fuel_amount, reactions, fuel_element)
if required_ore >= THRESHOLD:
high = fuel_amount - 1
low = fuel_amount + 1
# Our low will always be one over the target amount because of the + 1
return low - 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: ./ in_file")
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
lines ='\n').split('\n')
reactions, fuel_element = parse_reaction_list(lines)
print(part1(reactions, fuel_element))
print(part2(reactions, fuel_element))