#include #include #include #include #include #include #include // The maximum row of the plane constexpr int MAX_ROW = 127; constexpr int MAX_COL = 7; constexpr char FRONT_CHAR = 'F'; constexpr char BACK_CHAR = 'B'; constexpr char RIGHT_CHAR = 'R'; constexpr char LEFT_CHAR = 'L'; std::vector read_input(const std::string &filename) { std::vector input; std::string line; std::ifstream file(filename); while (std::getline(file, line)) { input.push_back(line); } return input; } /** * Get the position of a row or a column from a string spec. * @param spec The specification of the row or the column for the problem * @param bottomHalfChar The character that specifies taking the bottom half of the row/column * @param topHalfChar The character that specifies using the top half of the row/column * @param initMax The initial maximum value for the unit being checked (row or column). * @return int The row/column position from the spec. */ int getPosFromSpec(std::string_view spec, char bottomHalfChar, char topHalfChar, int initMax) { int max = initMax; int min = 0; for (char candidate : spec) { if (candidate == topHalfChar) { max = (max + min) / 2; } else if (candidate == bottomHalfChar) { min += (max - min) / 2 + 1; } } return min; } /** * Get the point at which the specification splits between row and column (i.e. from F/B and L/R) * @param seatSpec The specification for the seat * @return int The index at which rows stop being specified */ int getColumnSplitPoint(std::string_view seatSpec) { int rightPosition = seatSpec.find(RIGHT_CHAR); int leftPosition = seatSpec.find(LEFT_CHAR); if (rightPosition == std::string_view::npos) { return leftPosition; } else if (leftPosition == std::string_view::npos) { return rightPosition; } return std::min(rightPosition, leftPosition); } /** * Get the seat ID from the seat specification * @param seatSpec The specification for the seat specification * @return int The seatID given by seatSpec */ int parseSeatID(std::string_view seatSpec) { int columnSplitPoint = getColumnSplitPoint(seatSpec); std::string_view rowSpec = seatSpec.substr(0, columnSplitPoint); std::string_view colSpec = seatSpec.substr(columnSplitPoint); int rowId = getPosFromSpec(rowSpec, BACK_CHAR, FRONT_CHAR, MAX_ROW); int colId = getPosFromSpec(colSpec, RIGHT_CHAR, LEFT_CHAR, MAX_COL); return rowId * (MAX_COL + 1) + colId; } /** * Find the missing number in an iterator * @tparam Iter The iterator to check in * @param begin The start of the iterator * @param end The end of the iterator * @return std::iterator_traits::value_type The missing number in the iterator * @throws invalid_argument if there is no missing number in the iterator */ template typename std::iterator_traits::value_type findMissingNumber(Iter begin, Iter end) { auto lastNumber = *begin; for (Iter it = std::next(begin); it != end; it++) { if (*it != lastNumber + 1) { return lastNumber + 1; } lastNumber = *it; } throw std::invalid_argument("No missing number in iterator"); } int part1(const std::vector &input) { return std::accumulate(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), 0, [](int max, const std::string &row) { int seatId = parseSeatID(row); return std::max(seatId, max); }); } int part2(const std::vector &input) { std::vector ids; std::transform(input.cbegin(), input.cend(), std::inserter(ids, ids.begin()), [](const std::string &input) { return parseSeatID(input); }); std::sort(ids.begin(), ids.end()); return findMissingNumber(ids.begin(), ids.end()); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { std::cerr << argv[0] << " " << std::endl; return 1; } auto input = read_input(argv[1]); std::cout << part1(input) << std::endl; std::cout << part2(input) << std::endl; }