
344 lines
7.9 KiB

package main
import (
type Coordinate struct {
X int
Y int
Z int
type Brick []Coordinate
// BrickGraph is a map from indexes in a brick array to the dependent indexes
type BrickGraph map[int][]int
func (graph BrickGraph) ReachableFrom(idx int) map[int]struct{} {
return graph.ReachableFromExcluding(idx, nil)
// ReachableFromExcluding will finds all nodes reachable from the given node index, but will not explore neighbors
// in the "excluding" set.
func (graph BrickGraph) ReachableFromExcluding(idx int, excluding map[int]struct{}) map[int]struct{} {
visited := map[int]struct{}{}
toVisit := []int{idx}
for len(toVisit) > 0 {
visiting := toVisit[0]
toVisit = toVisit[1:]
for _, neighbor := range graph[visiting] {
if _, ok := visited[neighbor]; ok {
} else if _, ok := excluding[neighbor]; ok {
visited[neighbor] = struct{}{}
toVisit = append(toVisit, neighbor)
return visited
func (b Brick) LowestPoint() Coordinate {
minZFunc := func(a, b Coordinate) int {
return cmp.Compare(a.Z, b.Z)
return slices.MinFunc(b, minZFunc)
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s inputfile\n", os.Args[0])
inputFilename := os.Args[1]
inputFile, err := os.Open(inputFilename)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not open input file: %s", err))
defer inputFile.Close()
inputBytes, err := io.ReadAll(inputFile)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not read input file: %s", err))
input := strings.TrimSpace(string(inputBytes))
inputLines := strings.Split(input, "\n")
bricks, err := parseBricks(inputLines)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid input: %s", err))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse input: %s", err))
fmt.Printf("Part 1: %d\n", part1(bricks))
fmt.Printf("Part 2: %d\n", part2(bricks))
func part1(inputBricks []Brick) int {
slammedBricks := settleBricks(inputBricks)
incoming, outgoing := buildBrickGraph(slammedBricks)
removable := removableBricks(slammedBricks, incoming, outgoing)
return len(removable)
func part2(inputBricks []Brick) int {
slammedBricks := settleBricks(inputBricks)
incoming, outgoing := buildBrickGraph(slammedBricks)
total := 0
for i := range slammedBricks {
stableNodes := map[int]struct{}{}
lastFalling := map[int]struct{}{}
for {
reachableNodes := outgoing.ReachableFromExcluding(i, stableNodes)
for reachable := range reachableNodes {
for _, parentOfReachable := range incoming[reachable] {
if _, ok := reachableNodes[parentOfReachable]; !ok && parentOfReachable != i {
// If any reachable node is accessible from another subgraph, it is "stable"
stableNodes[reachable] = struct{}{}
falling := outgoing.ReachableFromExcluding(i, stableNodes)
shouldBreak := mapKeysEqual(falling, lastFalling)
lastFalling = falling
if shouldBreak {
// We must repeat this process until we reach a state where no more stable nodes are found
// There are some cases where a node might be stable, but the children of said stable node
// must also be considered invalidated (think of it as second-order stability)
total += len(lastFalling)
return total
func mapKeysEqual[T comparable, U any](m1, m2 map[T]U) bool {
if len(m1) != len(m2) {
return false
for key := range m1 {
if _, ok := m2[key]; !ok {
return false
return true
func settleBricks(bricks []Brick) []Brick {
sorted := slices.Clone(bricks)
slammedBricks := slices.Clone(sorted)
for i := range sorted {
brick, err := moveBrickDown(slammedBricks, i)
if err != nil {
// can't happen with our bounds
slammedBricks[i] = brick
return slammedBricks
func moveBrickDown(bricks []Brick, brickIdx int) (Brick, error) {
if brickIdx < 0 || brickIdx >= len(bricks) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid brick index %d", brickIdx)
occupied := occupiedPositions(bricks)
brick := slices.Clone(bricks[brickIdx])
for brick.LowestPoint().Z > 1 {
nextBrick := slices.Clone(brick)
for i, pos := range nextBrick {
nextBrick[i] = Coordinate{X: pos.X, Y: pos.Y, Z: pos.Z - 1}
if idx, ok := occupied[nextBrick[i]]; ok && idx != brickIdx {
return brick, nil
brick = nextBrick
return brick, nil
func buildBrickGraph(bricks []Brick) (incoming, outgoing BrickGraph) {
occupied := occupiedPositions(bricks)
outgoing = make(BrickGraph)
incoming = make(BrickGraph)
for i, brick := range bricks {
neighboring := map[int]struct{}{}
for _, block := range brick {
above := Coordinate{X: block.X, Y: block.Y, Z: block.Z + 1}
if occupiedBy, ok := occupied[above]; ok && occupiedBy != i {
neighboring[occupiedBy] = struct{}{}
for neighbor := range neighboring {
outgoing[i] = append(outgoing[i], neighbor)
incoming[neighbor] = append(incoming[neighbor], i)
func removableBricks(allBricks []Brick, incoming BrickGraph, outgoing BrickGraph) []int {
removable := []int{}
for i := range allBricks {
dependents := outgoing[i]
allDependentsSafe := true
for _, dependent := range dependents {
// There is more than one item which has this dependent as a dependent, so removing i would
// not allow this to fall
if len(incoming[dependent]) <= 1 {
allDependentsSafe = false
if allDependentsSafe {
removable = append(removable, i)
return removable
func sortByHeight(bricks []Brick) {
slices.SortFunc(bricks, func(brick1, brick2 Brick) int {
min1Z := brick1.LowestPoint()
min2Z := brick2.LowestPoint()
return cmp.Compare(min1Z.Z, min2Z.Z)
func occupiedPositions(bricks []Brick) map[Coordinate]int {
occupied := map[Coordinate]int{}
for i, brick := range bricks {
for _, pos := range brick {
occupied[pos] = i
return occupied
func parseBricks(inputLines []string) ([]Brick, error) {
bricks, err := tryParse(inputLines, parseBrick)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parse brick: %s", err)
positions := map[Coordinate]struct{}{}
for _, brick := range bricks {
for _, pos := range brick {
if _, ok := positions[pos]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bricks overlap at %+v", pos)
positions[pos] = struct{}{}
return bricks, nil
func parseBrick(line string) (Brick, error) {
pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)~(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)$`)
matches := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if matches == nil {
return nil, errors.New("malformed brick spec")
coordSlice1, err := tryParse([]string{matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]}, strconv.Atoi)
if err != nil {
// Can't happen, by the pattern
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not convert coordinate to integers: %s", err))
coordSlice2, err := tryParse([]string{matches[4], matches[5], matches[6]}, strconv.Atoi)
if err != nil {
// Can't happen, by the pattern
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not convert coordinate to integers: %s", err))
numDifferent := countDifferent(coordSlice1, coordSlice2)
if numDifferent > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("only one axis may differ in coordinates, found %d", numDifferent)
brick := make(Brick, 0, 3)
for x := coordSlice1[0]; x <= coordSlice2[0]; x++ {
for y := coordSlice1[1]; y <= coordSlice2[1]; y++ {
for z := coordSlice1[2]; z <= coordSlice2[2]; z++ {
brick = append(brick, Coordinate{X: x, Y: y, Z: z})
return brick, nil
func countDifferent[T comparable, S ~[]T](s1, s2 S) int {
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
panic("cannot compare lists of different lengths")
count := 0
for i, item := range s1 {
if item != s2[i] {
return count
func tryParse[T any](items []string, parse func(string) (T, error)) ([]T, error) {
res := make([]T, 0, len(items))
for i, item := range items {
parsed, err := parse(item)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid item #%d: %w", i+1, err)
res = append(res, parsed)
return res, nil