#[test_case(0x22, DAAInputFlags{subtract: false, half_carry: false, full_carry: false}, 0x22, DAAOutputFlags{zero: false, full_carry: false}; "both digits less than 9 should not adjust A register")]
#[test_case(0x0A, DAAInputFlags{subtract: false, half_carry: false, full_carry: false}, 0x10, DAAOutputFlags{zero: false, full_carry: false}; "adjust result by 0x06 if lower nibble is greater than 9")]
#[test_case(0xA5, DAAInputFlags{subtract: false, half_carry: false, full_carry: false}, 0x05, DAAOutputFlags{zero: false, full_carry: true}; "adjust result by 0x60 if greater than 99")]
#[test_case(0x20, DAAInputFlags{subtract: false, half_carry: true, full_carry: false}, 0x26, DAAOutputFlags{zero: false, full_carry: false}; "adjust result by 0x06 if half carry was performed")]
#[test_case(0x33, DAAInputFlags{subtract: false, half_carry: false, full_carry: true}, 0x93, DAAOutputFlags{zero: false, full_carry: true}; "adjust result by 0x60 if full carry was performed")]
#[test_case(0x26, DAAInputFlags{subtract: true, half_carry: true, full_carry: false}, 0x20, DAAOutputFlags{zero: false, full_carry: false}; "adjust result by -0x06 if half carry and a subtract were performed")]
#[test_case(0x93, DAAInputFlags{subtract: true, half_carry: false, full_carry: true}, 0x33, DAAOutputFlags{zero: false, full_carry: true}; "adjust result by -0x60 if full carry and a subtract were performed")]
#[test_case(0x00, DAAInputFlags{subtract: false, half_carry: false, full_carry: false}, 0x00, DAAOutputFlags{zero: true, full_carry: false}; "zero flag is true if result is zero")]
#[test_case(0x9C, DAAInputFlags{subtract: false, half_carry: true, full_carry: false}, 0x02, DAAOutputFlags{zero: false, full_carry: true}; "just because the upper nibble is 9 does not mean that 0x06 is added")]