Restructure instruction enums to be categorized based on the type of instruction

This helps break up some of the long match statement in Processor::run, but construction does become a bit annoying.
Nick Krichevsky 2022-04-11 23:52:44 -04:00
parent 16bc8833d5
commit f1e72b45de
11 changed files with 334 additions and 240 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ use crate::{
use thiserror::Error;
use self::instructions::{load16::SixteenBitLoadInstruction, load8::EightBitLoadInstruction};
mod instructions;
mod parse;
@ -36,45 +38,53 @@ macro_rules! assert_ok {
impl Processor {
fn run(&mut self, instruction: &RunnableInstruction) {
match instruction.instruction {
Instruction::LD8BitImmediateToRegister { value, register } => {
match &instruction.instruction {
Instruction::EightBitLoad(load_instruction) => self.run_8_bit_load(load_instruction),
Instruction::SixteenBitLoad(load_instruction) => self.run_16_bit_load(load_instruction),
self.num_cycles += u64::from(instruction.cycles);
fn run_8_bit_load(&mut self, instruction: &EightBitLoadInstruction) {
match *instruction {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDImmediateToRegister { value, register } => {
self.registers.set_single_8bit_register(register, value);
Instruction::LD8bitr1r2 { dst, src } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDBetweenRegisters { dst, src } => {
let src_value = self.registers.get_single_8bit_register(src);
self.registers.set_single_8bit_register(dst, src_value);
Instruction::LDFromRegisterAddress { src, dst } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromRegisterAddress { src, dst } => {
let load_res = self.load_from_register_address_to_register(dst, src);
Instruction::LDFromImmediateAddress { src_address, dst } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromImmediateAddress { src_address, dst } => {
let load_res = self.load_from_address_to_register(dst, src_address.into());
Instruction::LDToRegisterAddress { src, dst } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToRegisterAddress { src, dst } => {
let load_res = self.load_from_register_to_register_address(dst, src);
Instruction::LDToImmediateAddress { src, dst_address } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToImmediateAddress { src, dst_address } => {
let load_res = self.load_from_register_to_address(dst_address.into(), src);
Instruction::LDnToHLAddress { value } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDnToHLAddress { value } => {
let dest_address = self.registers.get_combined_register(register::Combined::HL);
let load_res = self.load_8bit_immediate_to_address(dest_address.into(), value);
Instruction::LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
} => {
@ -85,7 +95,7 @@ impl Processor {
Instruction::LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
} => {
@ -96,7 +106,7 @@ impl Processor {
Instruction::LDFromRegisterAddressThenDec { dst, src } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromRegisterAddressThenDec { dst, src } => {
let load_res = self.load_from_register_address_to_register(dst, src);
@ -104,7 +114,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.registers.set_combined_register(src, src_address - 1);
Instruction::LDFromRegisterAddressThenInc { dst, src } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromRegisterAddressThenInc { dst, src } => {
let load_res = self.load_from_register_address_to_register(dst, src);
@ -112,7 +122,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.registers.set_combined_register(src, src_address + 1);
Instruction::LDToRegisterAddressThenDec { dst, src } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToRegisterAddressThenDec { dst, src } => {
let dst_address = self.registers.get_combined_register(dst);
let load_res = self.load_from_register_to_address(dst_address.into(), src);
@ -120,7 +130,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.registers.set_combined_register(dst, dst_address - 1);
Instruction::LDToRegisterAddressThenInc { dst, src } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToRegisterAddressThenInc { dst, src } => {
let dst_address = self.registers.get_combined_register(dst);
let load_res = self.load_from_register_to_address(dst_address.into(), src);
@ -128,28 +138,38 @@ impl Processor {
self.registers.set_combined_register(dst, dst_address + 1);
Instruction::LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate { src, offset } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
} => {
let dst_address = memory::IO_REGISTER_START_ADDRESS + usize::from(offset);
let load_res = self.load_from_register_to_address(dst_address, src);
Instruction::LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate { dst, offset } => {
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
} => {
let src_address = memory::IO_REGISTER_START_ADDRESS + usize::from(offset);
let load_res = self.load_from_address_to_register(dst, src_address);
Instruction::LD16bitImmediateToRegister { dst, value } => {
fn run_16_bit_load(&mut self, instruction: &SixteenBitLoadInstruction) {
match *instruction {
SixteenBitLoadInstruction::LDImmediateToRegister { dst, value } => {
self.registers.set_16bit_register(dst, value);
Instruction::LD16Bitr1r2 { dst, src } => {
SixteenBitLoadInstruction::LDBetweenRegisters { dst, src } => {
let value = self.registers.get_16bit_register(src);
self.registers.set_16bit_register(dst, value);
Instruction::LDEffectiveAddress { dst, offset } => {
SixteenBitLoadInstruction::LDEffectiveAddress { dst, offset } => {
let current_sp = self
@ -197,7 +217,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.registers.set_combined_register(dst, new_sp);
Instruction::Push { src } => {
SixteenBitLoadInstruction::Push { src } => {
let current_sp = self
@ -219,7 +239,7 @@ impl Processor {
Instruction::Pop { dst } => {
SixteenBitLoadInstruction::Pop { dst } => {
let current_sp = self
@ -244,8 +264,6 @@ impl Processor {
self.num_cycles += u64::from(instruction.cycles);
fn load_from_register_to_register_address(

View File

@ -1,122 +1,20 @@
//! The `instructions` module holds structural definitions for all of the instructions that can run on the gameboy.
use super::parse::{self, ParseResult};
use super::register;
pub mod load16;
pub mod load8;
// these are indexed with the instruction numbers in this manual
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Instruction {
LD8BitImmediateToRegister {
value: u8,
register: register::SingleEightBit,
//, excluding the (hl) instructions,, excluding the (nn) instructions
// and excluding the (nn) instructions
LD8bitr1r2 {
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
src: register::SingleEightBit,
//, only the loading from (nn) instructions
LDFromRegisterAddress {
// src, unlike some of the other instructions, is a 16bit combined register that will be
// dereferenced to get the value to place into the dst register
src: register::Combined,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
// - load to register relative to $FF00 (the address of the i/o registers)
LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
// A register whose value will be used to get the address relative to FF00
offset_register: register::SingleEightBit,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
// - load to memory relative to $FF00 (the address of the i/o registers)
LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
// A register whose value will be used to get the address relative to FF00
offset_register: register::SingleEightBit,
LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
offset: u8,
LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
offset: u8,
src: register::SingleEightBit,
LDFromImmediateAddress {
src_address: u16,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
//, only the loading to (hl) instructions
//, only the loading to (nn) instructions
LDToRegisterAddress {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
// dst, unlike some other instructions, is a 16bit combined register that holds
// the address we will write the value to
dst: register::Combined,
//, only the loading to (nn) immediate instrution
LDToImmediateAddress {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
dst_address: u16,
//, but the (hl), n instruction [why is this in this section? it's so out of place]
LDnToHLAddress {
value: u8,
// 3.3.1.{7,8,9}
LDFromRegisterAddressThenDec {
// The src, unlike some other destination instructions, refers to a register
// whose address will be dereferenced (and then decremented after the load)
src: register::Combined,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
// 3.3.1.{13,14,15}
LDFromRegisterAddressThenInc {
// The src, unlike some other destination instructions, refers to a register
// whose address will be dereferenced (and then incremented after the load)
src: register::Combined,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
// 3.3.1.{10,11,12}
LDToRegisterAddressThenDec {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
// The destination, unlike some other destination instructions, refers to a register
// whose address will be dereferenced (and then decremented after the load)
dst: register::Combined,
// 3.3.1.{16,17,18}
LDToRegisterAddressThenInc {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
// The destination, unlike some other destination instructions, refers to a register
// whose address will be dereferenced (and then incremented after the load)
dst: register::Combined,
LD16bitImmediateToRegister {
value: u16,
dst: register::SixteenBit,
LD16Bitr1r2 {
dst: register::SixteenBit,
src: register::SixteenBit,
LDEffectiveAddress {
dst: register::Combined,
offset: i8,
Push {
src: register::Combined,
Pop {
dst: register::Combined,
/// `RunnableInstruction` is an instruction that can run on the processor, and has any metadata needed to do so
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RunnableInstruction {
pub(super) instruction: Instruction,
pub(super) cycles: u8,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
use crate::register;
/// `SixteenBitLoadInstruction` represents one of the Gameboy's instructions for loading
/// a sixteen bit value either into a register or into memory
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum SixteenBitLoadInstruction {
LDImmediateToRegister {
value: u16,
dst: register::SixteenBit,
LDBetweenRegisters {
dst: register::SixteenBit,
src: register::SixteenBit,
LDEffectiveAddress {
dst: register::Combined,
offset: i8,
Push {
src: register::Combined,
Pop {
dst: register::Combined,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
use crate::register;
/// `EightBitLoadInstruction` represents one of the Gameboy's instructions for loading
/// an eight bit value either into a register or into memory
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum EightBitLoadInstruction {
LDImmediateToRegister {
value: u8,
register: register::SingleEightBit,
//, excluding the (hl) instructions,, excluding the (nn) instructions
// and excluding the (nn) instructions
LDBetweenRegisters {
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
src: register::SingleEightBit,
//, only the loading from (nn) instructions
LDFromRegisterAddress {
// src, unlike some of the other instructions, is a 16bit combined register that will be
// dereferenced to get the value to place into the dst register
src: register::Combined,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
// - load to register relative to $FF00 (the address of the i/o registers)
LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
// A register whose value will be used to get the address relative to FF00
offset_register: register::SingleEightBit,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
// - load to memory relative to $FF00 (the address of the i/o registers)
LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
// A register whose value will be used to get the address relative to FF00
offset_register: register::SingleEightBit,
LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
offset: u8,
LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
offset: u8,
src: register::SingleEightBit,
LDFromImmediateAddress {
src_address: u16,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
//, only the loading to (hl) instructions
//, only the loading to (nn) instructions
LDToRegisterAddress {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
// dst, unlike some other instructions, is a 16bit combined register that holds
// the address we will write the value to
dst: register::Combined,
//, only the loading to (nn) immediate instrution
LDToImmediateAddress {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
dst_address: u16,
//, but the (hl), n instruction [why is this in this section? it's so out of place]
LDnToHLAddress {
value: u8,
// 3.3.1.{7,8,9}
LDFromRegisterAddressThenDec {
// The src, unlike some other destination instructions, refers to a register
// whose address will be dereferenced (and then decremented after the load)
src: register::Combined,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
// 3.3.1.{13,14,15}
LDFromRegisterAddressThenInc {
// The src, unlike some other destination instructions, refers to a register
// whose address will be dereferenced (and then incremented after the load)
src: register::Combined,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
// 3.3.1.{10,11,12}
LDToRegisterAddressThenDec {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
// The destination, unlike some other destination instructions, refers to a register
// whose address will be dereferenced (and then decremented after the load)
dst: register::Combined,
// 3.3.1.{16,17,18}
LDToRegisterAddressThenInc {
src: register::SingleEightBit,
// The destination, unlike some other destination instructions, refers to a register
// whose address will be dereferenced (and then incremented after the load)
dst: register::Combined,

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
//! The `parse` module holds functions that will parse streams of data into an [`crate::instructions::Instruction`]
use super::instructions::RunnableInstruction;
use thiserror::Error;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::register;
use crate::run::instructions::load16::SixteenBitLoadInstruction;
use crate::run::{
instructions::{Instruction, RunnableInstruction},
parse::{self, Error, OpcodeParser, ParseResult},
@ -43,7 +44,9 @@ fn make_load_immediate_data(dst: register::SixteenBit, data: &[u8]) -> ParseResu
let value = u16::from_le_bytes([args[0], args[1]]);
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LD16bitImmediateToRegister { value, dst },
instruction: Instruction::SixteenBitLoad(
SixteenBitLoadInstruction::LDImmediateToRegister { value, dst },
cycles: 12,
// guaranteed to succeed given we already took the first two elements as args
@ -71,10 +74,12 @@ fn make_load_effective_address(dst: register::Combined, data: &[u8]) -> ParseRes
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDEffectiveAddress {
offset: signed_value,
instruction: Instruction::SixteenBitLoad(
SixteenBitLoadInstruction::LDEffectiveAddress {
offset: signed_value,
cycles: 12,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::register;
use crate::run::instructions::load16::SixteenBitLoadInstruction;
use crate::run::instructions::{Instruction, RunnableInstruction};
use crate::run::parse::{self, Error, OpcodeParser, ParseResult};
@ -39,11 +40,15 @@ fn make_stack_operation_data(
.map(|remaining_data| {
let instruction = match operation {
Operation::Push => RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::Push { src: reg },
instruction: Instruction::SixteenBitLoad(SixteenBitLoadInstruction::Push {
src: reg,
cycles: 16,
Operation::Pop => RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::Pop { dst: reg },
instruction: Instruction::SixteenBitLoad(SixteenBitLoadInstruction::Pop {
dst: reg,
cycles: 12,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::register;
use crate::run::instructions::load16::SixteenBitLoadInstruction;
use crate::run::instructions::Instruction;
use crate::run::{
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ impl OpcodeParser for Between16BitRegisterParser {
fn parse_opcode(data: &[u8]) -> ParseResult {
let opcode = parse::get_opcode_from_data(data)?;
match opcode {
0xF9 => make_ld_r1_r2_data(
0xF9 => make_ld_between_register_data(
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ impl OpcodeParser for Between16BitRegisterParser {
fn make_ld_r1_r2_data(
fn make_ld_between_register_data(
dst: register::SixteenBit,
src: register::SixteenBit,
data: &[u8],
@ -31,7 +32,9 @@ fn make_ld_r1_r2_data(
.map(|remaining_data| {
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LD16Bitr1r2 { dst, src },
instruction: Instruction::SixteenBitLoad(
SixteenBitLoadInstruction::LDBetweenRegisters { dst, src },
cycles: 4,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::register;
use crate::run::instructions::load8::EightBitLoadInstruction;
use crate::run::instructions::Instruction;
use crate::run::parse::Error;
use crate::run::{
@ -34,10 +35,12 @@ fn make_load_immediate_data(register: register::SingleEightBit, data: &[u8]) ->
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LD8BitImmediateToRegister {
value: *value,
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDImmediateToRegister {
value: *value,
// TODO: I don't love that the cycles are in a parsing function,
// but ultimately I want the cycles to be as close to the opcode as possible
// so that it's easier to change. Maybe I can change this once I end up with

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::register;
use crate::run::instructions::load8::EightBitLoadInstruction;
use crate::run::instructions::{Instruction, RunnableInstruction};
use crate::run::parse::{self, Error, OpcodeParser, ParseResult};
@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ impl OpcodeParser for Memory8BitLoadParser {
for parse_func in parse_funcs {
@ -127,31 +128,31 @@ fn parse_load_immediate_instructions(data: &[u8]) -> ParseResult {
fn parse_load_from_register_to_address_then_do_arithmetic(data: &[u8]) -> ParseResult {
fn parse_load_from_register_to_address_and_do_arithmetic(data: &[u8]) -> ParseResult {
let opcode = parse::get_opcode_from_data(data)?;
match opcode {
0x32 => make_ld_to_address_then_do_arithmetic(
0x32 => make_ld_to_address_and_do_arithmetic(
|dst, src| Instruction::LDToRegisterAddressThenDec { dst, src },
|dst, src| EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToRegisterAddressThenDec { dst, src },
0x22 => make_ld_to_address_then_do_arithmetic(
0x22 => make_ld_to_address_and_do_arithmetic(
|dst, src| Instruction::LDToRegisterAddressThenInc { dst, src },
|dst, src| EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToRegisterAddressThenInc { dst, src },
0x3A => make_ld_from_address_then_do_arithmetic(
0x3A => make_ld_from_address_and_do_arithmetic(
|dst, src| Instruction::LDFromRegisterAddressThenDec { dst, src },
|dst, src| EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromRegisterAddressThenDec { dst, src },
0x2A => make_ld_from_address_then_do_arithmetic(
0x2A => make_ld_from_address_and_do_arithmetic(
|dst, src| Instruction::LDFromRegisterAddressThenInc { dst, src },
|dst, src| EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromRegisterAddressThenInc { dst, src },
_ => Err(Error::UnknownOpcode(opcode)),
@ -167,7 +168,9 @@ fn make_ld_from_register_address(
.map(|remaining_data| {
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDFromRegisterAddress { src, dst },
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromRegisterAddress { src, dst },
cycles: 8,
@ -185,7 +188,9 @@ fn make_ld_to_register_address(
.map(|remaining_data| {
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDToRegisterAddress { src, dst },
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToRegisterAddress { src, dst },
cycles: 8,
@ -202,7 +207,9 @@ fn make_ld_from_immediate_address(dst: register::SingleEightBit, data: &[u8]) ->
let src_address = u16::from_le_bytes([args[0], args[1]]);
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDFromImmediateAddress { src_address, dst },
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromImmediateAddress { src_address, dst },
cycles: 16,
// This can't fail if get(1..=2) passed
@ -218,7 +225,10 @@ fn make_ld_to_immediate_address(src: register::SingleEightBit, data: &[u8]) -> P
let dst_address = u16::from_le_bytes([args[0], args[1]]);
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDToImmediateAddress { src, dst_address },
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToImmediateAddress {
cycles: 16,
// This can't fail if get(1..=2) passed
@ -231,7 +241,9 @@ fn make_ld_n_to_hl_address(data: &[u8]) -> ParseResult {
let value = data.get(1).ok_or(Error::NotEnoughArgs(opcode))?;
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDnToHLAddress { value: *value },
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(EightBitLoadInstruction::LDnToHLAddress {
value: *value,
cycles: 12,
// This can't fail if get(1) succeeeded
@ -248,10 +260,12 @@ fn make_ld_from_memory_relative_to_io_register_start(
.map(|remaining_data| {
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
cycles: 8,
// guaranteed to succeed given we found the opcode
@ -270,10 +284,12 @@ fn make_ld_to_memory_relative_to_io_register_start(
.map(|remaining_data| {
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStart {
cycles: 8,
// guaranteed to succeed given we found the opcode
@ -292,10 +308,12 @@ fn make_ld_to_memory_relative_to_io_register_start_by_immediate(
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
offset: *value,
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDToMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
offset: *value,
// guaranteed to succeed given we got the value
cycles: 12,
@ -312,10 +330,12 @@ fn make_ld_from_memory_relative_to_io_register_start_by_immediate(
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
offset: *value,
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDFromMemoryRelativeToIORegisterStartByImmediate {
offset: *value,
cycles: 12,
// guaranteed to succeed given we got the value
@ -323,34 +343,45 @@ fn make_ld_from_memory_relative_to_io_register_start_by_immediate(
fn make_ld_to_address_then_do_arithmetic<
F: Fn(register::Combined, register::SingleEightBit) -> Instruction,
/// `make_ld_to_address_and_do_arithmetic` will make one of the instructions that load to memory and either increment
/// or decerement. The instruction itself will be produced by the given `make` function.
fn make_ld_to_address_and_do_arithmetic<
F: Fn(register::Combined, register::SingleEightBit) -> EightBitLoadInstruction,
dst: register::Combined,
src: register::SingleEightBit,
make: F,
data: &[u8],
) -> ParseResult {
make_load_then_do_arithmetic(|| make(dst, src), data)
make_load_and_do_arithmetic(|| make(dst, src), data)
fn make_ld_from_address_then_do_arithmetic<
F: Fn(register::SingleEightBit, register::Combined) -> Instruction,
/// `make_ld_to_address_and_do_arithmetic` will make one of the instructions that load from memory and either increment
/// or decerement. The instruction itself will be produced by the given `make` function.
fn make_ld_from_address_and_do_arithmetic<
F: Fn(register::SingleEightBit, register::Combined) -> EightBitLoadInstruction,
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
src: register::Combined,
make: F,
data: &[u8],
) -> ParseResult {
make_load_then_do_arithmetic(|| make(dst, src), data)
make_load_and_do_arithmetic(|| make(dst, src), data)
fn make_load_then_do_arithmetic<F: Fn() -> Instruction>(make: F, data: &[u8]) -> ParseResult {
/// `make_load_and_do_arithmetic` will parse a `RunnableInstruction` from one of the load+arithmetic isntructions,
/// which will be produced by the given `make` function
fn make_load_and_do_arithmetic<F: Fn() -> EightBitLoadInstruction>(
make: F,
data: &[u8],
) -> ParseResult {
.map(|remaining_data| {
let load_instruction = make();
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: make(),
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(load_instruction),
cycles: 8,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::register;
use crate::run::instructions::load8::EightBitLoadInstruction;
use crate::run::instructions::Instruction;
use crate::run::{
@ -17,68 +18,68 @@ impl OpcodeParser for Between8BitRegisterParser {
let opcode = parse::get_opcode_from_data(data)?;
match opcode {
0x7f => make_ldr1r2_data(A, A, data),
0x78 => make_ldr1r2_data(A, B, data),
0x79 => make_ldr1r2_data(A, C, data),
0x7A => make_ldr1r2_data(A, D, data),
0x7B => make_ldr1r2_data(A, E, data),
0x7C => make_ldr1r2_data(A, H, data),
0x7D => make_ldr1r2_data(A, L, data),
0x7f => make_load_between_register_data(A, A, data),
0x78 => make_load_between_register_data(A, B, data),
0x79 => make_load_between_register_data(A, C, data),
0x7A => make_load_between_register_data(A, D, data),
0x7B => make_load_between_register_data(A, E, data),
0x7C => make_load_between_register_data(A, H, data),
0x7D => make_load_between_register_data(A, L, data),
0x47 => make_ldr1r2_data(B, A, data),
0x40 => make_ldr1r2_data(B, B, data),
0x41 => make_ldr1r2_data(B, C, data),
0x42 => make_ldr1r2_data(B, D, data),
0x43 => make_ldr1r2_data(B, E, data),
0x44 => make_ldr1r2_data(B, H, data),
0x45 => make_ldr1r2_data(B, L, data),
0x47 => make_load_between_register_data(B, A, data),
0x40 => make_load_between_register_data(B, B, data),
0x41 => make_load_between_register_data(B, C, data),
0x42 => make_load_between_register_data(B, D, data),
0x43 => make_load_between_register_data(B, E, data),
0x44 => make_load_between_register_data(B, H, data),
0x45 => make_load_between_register_data(B, L, data),
0x4F => make_ldr1r2_data(C, A, data),
0x48 => make_ldr1r2_data(C, B, data),
0x49 => make_ldr1r2_data(C, C, data),
0x4A => make_ldr1r2_data(C, D, data),
0x4B => make_ldr1r2_data(C, E, data),
0x4C => make_ldr1r2_data(C, H, data),
0x4D => make_ldr1r2_data(C, L, data),
0x4F => make_load_between_register_data(C, A, data),
0x48 => make_load_between_register_data(C, B, data),
0x49 => make_load_between_register_data(C, C, data),
0x4A => make_load_between_register_data(C, D, data),
0x4B => make_load_between_register_data(C, E, data),
0x4C => make_load_between_register_data(C, H, data),
0x4D => make_load_between_register_data(C, L, data),
0x57 => make_ldr1r2_data(D, A, data),
0x50 => make_ldr1r2_data(D, B, data),
0x51 => make_ldr1r2_data(D, C, data),
0x52 => make_ldr1r2_data(D, D, data),
0x53 => make_ldr1r2_data(D, E, data),
0x54 => make_ldr1r2_data(D, H, data),
0x55 => make_ldr1r2_data(D, L, data),
0x57 => make_load_between_register_data(D, A, data),
0x50 => make_load_between_register_data(D, B, data),
0x51 => make_load_between_register_data(D, C, data),
0x52 => make_load_between_register_data(D, D, data),
0x53 => make_load_between_register_data(D, E, data),
0x54 => make_load_between_register_data(D, H, data),
0x55 => make_load_between_register_data(D, L, data),
0x5F => make_ldr1r2_data(E, A, data),
0x58 => make_ldr1r2_data(E, B, data),
0x59 => make_ldr1r2_data(E, C, data),
0x5A => make_ldr1r2_data(E, D, data),
0x5B => make_ldr1r2_data(E, E, data),
0x5C => make_ldr1r2_data(E, H, data),
0x5D => make_ldr1r2_data(E, L, data),
0x5F => make_load_between_register_data(E, A, data),
0x58 => make_load_between_register_data(E, B, data),
0x59 => make_load_between_register_data(E, C, data),
0x5A => make_load_between_register_data(E, D, data),
0x5B => make_load_between_register_data(E, E, data),
0x5C => make_load_between_register_data(E, H, data),
0x5D => make_load_between_register_data(E, L, data),
0x67 => make_ldr1r2_data(H, A, data),
0x60 => make_ldr1r2_data(H, B, data),
0x61 => make_ldr1r2_data(H, C, data),
0x62 => make_ldr1r2_data(H, D, data),
0x63 => make_ldr1r2_data(H, E, data),
0x64 => make_ldr1r2_data(H, H, data),
0x65 => make_ldr1r2_data(H, L, data),
0x67 => make_load_between_register_data(H, A, data),
0x60 => make_load_between_register_data(H, B, data),
0x61 => make_load_between_register_data(H, C, data),
0x62 => make_load_between_register_data(H, D, data),
0x63 => make_load_between_register_data(H, E, data),
0x64 => make_load_between_register_data(H, H, data),
0x65 => make_load_between_register_data(H, L, data),
0x6F => make_ldr1r2_data(L, A, data),
0x68 => make_ldr1r2_data(L, B, data),
0x69 => make_ldr1r2_data(L, C, data),
0x6A => make_ldr1r2_data(L, D, data),
0x6B => make_ldr1r2_data(L, E, data),
0x6c => make_ldr1r2_data(L, H, data),
0x6D => make_ldr1r2_data(L, L, data),
0x6F => make_load_between_register_data(L, A, data),
0x68 => make_load_between_register_data(L, B, data),
0x69 => make_load_between_register_data(L, C, data),
0x6A => make_load_between_register_data(L, D, data),
0x6B => make_load_between_register_data(L, E, data),
0x6c => make_load_between_register_data(L, H, data),
0x6D => make_load_between_register_data(L, L, data),
_ => Err(Error::UnknownOpcode(opcode)),
fn make_ldr1r2_data(
fn make_load_between_register_data(
dst: register::SingleEightBit,
src: register::SingleEightBit,
data: &[u8],
@ -87,7 +88,9 @@ fn make_ldr1r2_data(
.map(|remaining_data| {
RunnableInstruction {
instruction: Instruction::LD8bitr1r2 { dst, src },
instruction: Instruction::EightBitLoad(
EightBitLoadInstruction::LDBetweenRegisters { dst, src },
cycles: 4,